The summer of ’11

The Folk Dance Ladies by my "Superstore" at the local market, with the coolest basket-handbag!

The market season is finally over. It lasted from june to end of september, every Saturday, and in July wednesday evenings. Some customers wished there would be a market day more often, but I don’t think I, or anybody else selling there would survive a more intense market life than it already is… And the peak season is very short – July only. After that the visitors decrease radically.

At the local market people meet, shop and exchange news

It’s been a wonderful summer, it was always fair weather more or less and wonderful people to collaborate with. We even managed to arrange two fashion shows of which you can find some more info about here and here  (sorry, in Swedish only, but the pics are international!), by one of my collaborators at the market. The fashion shows were arranged in July and September.

I’m also involved as a guide at the local museum “Hörbergsgården” as guide which require some guiding ofcourse…

Hörbergsgården Museum, the museum shop & gallery

And there was the little tiny event called “Vintage marknad-markkinat” that was supposed to be a very small scaled event but ended up with so many visitors we almost fainted! We’ll be arranging this event again next summer, but bigger and better. And plenty more sellers!

The Vintage market at Hörbergsgården, featuring my Grandmother's old crank phonograph

This summer season was packed with stuff on my to do-list, plenty are left for later, but I’m happy that I managed to wash a whole sack of local wool before it got too rainy & humid outside. The thing is-the wool needs a lot of space to dry, and indoors is NOT an option… Now I shall only wait for more wool, ordered from a sheep I call “Socks”, du to the white socks (quelle surprise…) on its hind legs… The shearing of the sheep is up next!

washed wool fleece drying by the sauna, and yes, tilted horizons are a part of my trademark! 😉

But now there will be a little less comotion for a few weeks, until I roll up my sleeves for the upcoming challenge – Looking for Santa! 😉 Yes, the Christmas season is closer than you might think!

Rudolph The Rednosed Housemouse

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